Saturday, May 30, 2009

We went to Kentucky Falls for a hike back in April and here are some of the pictures from that hike.

This is upper Kentucky Falls.

Look Gale...a picture of me!!

Another picture of Upper Kentucky Falls.

Michael took this picture of the trillium.

Kentucky Creek.

This is either North Fork Falls or Lower Kentucky Falls. I'm not sure which since they are next to each other.

Just below North Fork Falls and Lower Kentucky Falls.

Kentucky Creek.

Big surprise...a picture of Michael.

This is the other (North Fork or Lower Kentucky Falls) waterfall.

Oh Gale...another picture of me.

I liked this tree with all the moss hanging on it.

We saw this along the trail and thought it was pretty cool so Michael took a picture of it.

These two pictures are a spot along the road (after leaving Kentucky Falls) heading towards Florence.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What a beautiful trail. Seems like you hit it during the perfect season- good water flow! Yes, I did notice the photos of you! Fab trillium! Wish I had some of those in my yard. Can't wait to see the Gravel Beach Classic photos.... and your other journies too!
